I made this blog after requests from residents for me to relay information about the issues at the Council meetings. If you have questions or concerns call my cell anytime 405-919-5730, and sign up for email updates on the right side of the page.

About me: My name is Daniel McClure and I am proud to be the Councilman for Midwest City, Ward 1. I am committed to serving the residents and the appreciate the opportunity to impact policy that will improve the quality of life of citizens and make Midwest City a place for our children to be proud of.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Developers needed - Seeding the neighborhood

The City of MWC owns about 7 vacant lots in the Original Square Mile. This means the taxpayers are responsible for funding the mowing and maintenance of these properties. Additionally, they are not adding to the quality of the neighborhood. I am very pleased that working through our Original Mile Redevelopment Committee we are moving forward to work with developers to build quality homes on these lots in hopes that they will serve as seeds for additional development in the neighborhood. We have published a request for proposal for developers to partner with the City on this project.  This model has been used successfully in places across the country - including the Paseo - where individual investment working with local governments spur neighborhood revitalization.  It is one step towards our goal. Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested.

Click HERE to see the request for proposal

Monday, November 7, 2016

Letter to the Editor: Improving education starts with voting no on SQ779’s 22% state sales tax hike

Below is a copy of my letter to the editor posted in the MWC Beacon on SQ779.

Letter to the Editor: Improving education starts with voting no on SQ779’s 22% state sales tax hike

It’s a particularly interesting time in Oklahoma. We find ourselves in a struggle as we divide ourselves between the issues were facing this election season. However, I was particularly offended when I saw a sign in support of SQ779 this week.  It wasn’t because they’re for it, and I’m against it. I was offended because the headline was “our children are worth the penny”.  As if opponents of SQ779 didn’t think children are worth a penny…ridiculous. My wife and I recently had our first child, a beautiful little girl named Magnolia.  Of course she is worth a penny, in fact she is worth every penny I have. However, I will not buy in to the mindset that my daughter’s future will be magically improved if I pay just one more penny in new taxes on each dollar I spend. It’s those big promises with little results that has continued to plague education in Oklahoma.  Let’s take a stroll down memory lane.
How about the 1990 special session for HB 1017 when then Governor Henry Bellmon pronounced “a new day is dawning for education in Oklahoma…our state will never again take a back seat in education.”  HB 1017 was supported at the polls, and Oklahoman’s then faced tax hikes to fund the changes in education. But today teachers say they feel like they have been abandoned and we’re right back where we started. Or what about in 2002 when then Governor Brad Henry proclaimed the lottery a “victory for education”? Have we been victorious…no it appears not.
We’re struggling in education not because Oklahoman’s don’t support education, were struggling because our tax dollars have not been spent wisely. Oklahoma ranks 6th highest in the nation in direct administrative costs. We also have over 500 school districts.  That’s more than Colorado, Maryland, Nevada, Hawaii, and Kansas combined. I’m not saying we bus kids all over, but we can combine administration and overhead costs and put more money directly into the classroom. Next, a study prepared by the OK Tax Commission found 52 of Oklahoma’s 77 counties failed to collect $192 million in property tax revenue in 2014.  Keep in mind that would fund approximately 78% of the teacher pay raise in SQ779 while adding no new taxes.  Or take for example the millions of dollars in tax payer funded giveaways, exemptions, and subsidies across the spectrum from sporting events to out of state travel for bureaucrats.  For far too long things like this have been slipped through and tucked away.
A vote against SQ779 is not a vote against our children and teachers. The fact of the matter is Oklahoman’s care about education, and we care about our children.  It’s an incredibly easy concept to vote for SQ779’s 22% increase in the state sales tax and leave it to the “government” to fix the problem, but that has proven ineffective.  I want a better education system, but I won’t vote to keep throwing money at a government that has proven it can’t spend it wisely. If we want real change it requires real accountability.  It requires putting in work, watching our elected officials, and combing through the state budget. It requires more work than checking a box on a Tuesday and walking away.
Will you please join me by voting no and most importantly putting in the work to improve Oklahoma education?
Daniel McClure,
Midwest City

Monday, July 11, 2016

Public Nuisance Law

Update: This ordinance was passed and put into effect. Thanks for everyone who came out to support the passage of this new ordinance.

Hello All!  Tomorrow we have up on the agenda the Nuisance Law I have been working on over the past two years.  It is designed to help us fight back against the problem neighbors who we keep having to call the police on.  It will be heard tomorrow and it is item D-4.  If you are able to come out and support us I would be very grateful!  I have met some resistance in the past and am hopeful we can get it done this time. Below is the copy of the ordinance, and if you have any questions please give me a call!  405-919-5730


SECTION 1.  The Midwest City Municipal Code, Chapter 28, Offenses -- Miscellaneous, Article II, Offenses Against Morals, Section 28-20, Disorderly house, is hereby amended to read as follows:

(a)        It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, maintain, reside, or otherwise make available any Disorderly House or to aid or assist another in keeping, maintaining or residing in such house.

(b)       As used herein the term "Disorderly House" shall include any brothel, bawdy house, house of ill fame, gaming house, house of assignation or house or room where persons congregate to unlawfully:
(1)           engage in drinking intoxicating or non-intoxicating beverages;
(2)           inhale or ingest any compound, liquid or chemical, salt, isomer and salt of isomer prohibited under the Oklahoma Controlled Dangerous Substances Act, 63 O.S. § 2-204 and § 2-206, not already prohibited under sections 28-130 or 28-131of this Code, including but not limited to, specific substances prohibited therein and/or defined as opiates, opium derivatives, any level of a hallucinogenic substance, any quantity of substances having a stimulant or depressant effect on the central nervous system, any quantity of a synthetic chemical compound that is a cannabinoid receptor agonist, which may be used or consumed by a person for the purpose of inducing a condition of intoxication, distortion or disturbance of the auditory, visual or mental processes.
“Disorderly house” shall also include any property on which three or more Nuisance Violations have occurred within a floating 90-day period which shall begin on the date of a violation.  “Nuisance Violation” shall be any felony or a violation of:
(3)             Sec. 28-1. - Aiding in offense.
(4)             Sec. 28-2. - Attempt to commit offense.
(5)             Sec. 28-21. - Gambling.
(6)             Sec. 28-22. - Indecent exposure.
(7)             Sec. 28-25. - Public intoxication.
(9)             Sec. 28-27. - Procurers and pimps.
(10)          Sec. 28-28. - Urination in public.
(13)          Sec. 28-40. - Assault.
(14)          Sec. 28-41. - Assault and battery.
(17)          Sec. 28-54. - Trespass.
(23)          Sec. 28-61. - Damaging buildings.
(40)          Sec. 28-90.1. - Disorderly conduct.
(42)          Sec. 28-92. - Fighting.
(56)          Sec. 26-3. – Prohibited generally [noise].

(c)        It shall not be considered a Nuisance Violation to report unlawful conduct.

(d)       A property owner not in possession of his/her property is only in violation of this section if s/he intentionally continues to make available his/her property to anyone violating the provisions of this section.  For the purpose of this ordinance intent means knowledge of the Nuisance Violations occurring on the property.

(e)        Any property owner charged with violating the provisions of this section may submit a property improvement plan to the municipal judge compliance with which may serve as a condition of a deferred sentence.  The judge shall have the discretion to determine whether such property improvement plan will likely preclude the commission of further Nuisance Violations on the subject property.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Councilmember Accountability Act- PASSED

Here is the press release from the City regarding the Councilmember Accountability Act.  I was going to write a post about it, figured i would just share the PR.  I'm really glad this was approved.  I took a slight detour to finish this up. Now I am heading back for another attempt at the nuisance policy.-Daniel

City Council approves new Councilmember Accountability Act and Ethics Policy ordinance
Midwest City, OK - The Midwest City Council has approved an ordinance entitled the Councilmember Accountability Act and Ethics Policy.

According to the amendment author, Ward 1 Councilmember, Daniel McClure, Jr., the primary goal is to ensure that the interests of Midwest City residents are always the primary and sole objective of elected municipal official’s decisions.  McClure added that the ordinance summarizes the expectations of elected officials and creates the framework for a penalty if unethical conduct occurs. 
Any violation of this act would result in removal from office and prohibition from serving as a Midwest City elected official in the future.

“It is vital to a have a policy like this in place.  I love this City and I want to make sure we do everything we can to ensure good government and the protection of the residents’ interests,” McClure said.

The proposed amendment adds a new section to Chapter 2 of the Midwest City Code.  The following represents an abbreviated overview of each new section:

Paragraph (a) Conflict of Interest:  This section requires that no member of the council is to receive any payments or gifts, other than those provided in the Charter or in the Code of Ordinances, for action or inaction in his/her elected capacity, nor shall any member of the council make, participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his/her official position to influence the making of any decision that s/he knows or should know will have a reasonably foreseeable material financial effect, distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, on the member of the council or a member of his/her immediate family.

Paragraph (b)Executive Session: This section requires that no member of the council shall disclose confidential discussions occurring in executive session with anyone other than other councilmembers or invited staff/guests, nor shall any councilmember use any confidential information obtained in executive session or other privileged source for foreseeable material gain, distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, for the member of the council or a member of his/her immediate family.

Paragraph (c) Elections: States that no member of the council or candidate for council shall receive more than an amount established by state law in monetary or in-kind donations from any one source (individual or organization) for each council election for which the member of council or candidate for council has drawn an opponent.  No member of council or candidate for council shall receive any monetary or in-kind contribution that is a combination from individuals and from entities that receive funding from the same donor.

Paragraph (d) Violation: A violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by a fine, the amount of which shall be determined by ordinance.  Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall immediately be removed from office and shall forever be disqualified from filing for or holding a city elective office.

The maximum monetary amount of the penalty is $500 and removal from office.

To read the complete ordinance, please go to: https://midwestcityok.org/DocumentCenter/View/1980

Monday, March 21, 2016

Councilmember Accountability Act-Coming to a ballot near you (hopefully)

UPDATE: 3/23/16-This failed, I was the only yes vote. I will present it again in a few weeks when we get new councilmembers/mayor.

I have been working on this for quite a while, and it will be considered at the MWC Council meeting 3/21/16.  If approved, it will go on the ballot the 28th of June.

The primary objective of the Council-member Accountability Act is to ensure that the interests of Midwest City residents are always the primary and sole objective of elected municipal official’s decisions. The proposed amendment summarizes the expectations of elected officials and creates the framework for a penalty if unethical behavior occurs.  Additionally, any violation will result in removal from office and prohibition from serving as a Midwest City elected official in the future.  It is vital to have a policy like this in place.  I love this City, and I want to make sure we do everything we can to ensure good government and the protection of the residents interests.

Essentially it requires the elected officials disclose any interests or business dealings that will benefit from Council action that is being considered. It also adds language relating to municipal campaign finance requirements.

Please come out to the meeting if you would like to hear more or see the discussion.

CLICK HERE to read the proposed language.

Monday, February 15, 2016

I'll pass. I don't like this water plan at all

A lot of times people don't pay attention to Local Govt, well its pretty important I would say :)

A smallmouth bass with confirmed malignant tumor was caught by an angler in the Susquehanna River near Duncannon, Pa., on Nov. 3, 2014.
A smallmouth bass with confirmed malignant tumor was caught by an angler in the Susquehanna River near Duncannon, Pa., on Nov. 3, 2014.-John Arway/Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission
Recently the MWC Council passed a plan to sell water to Norman.  I voted against it, but the item passed 5-2.  I was opposed to the plan due to the fact that Norman has not been a good partner recently in my opinion.  The Council passed a resolution against allowing Norman to dump their waste water into our drinking water (Lake Thunderbird).  Unfortunately 2 of the 3 MWC representatives to COMCD did not stand with the MWC Council and oppose the measure.  Below is a similar story along with a story in support of the idea.  We can't get out all of the contaminants so I do not feel it is best for MWC.  We still have plenty of time to stop it, but everyone needs to be aware and up to speed on whats going on.



Thursday, January 21, 2016


I hope your Christmas was wonderful and I hope 2016 finds you well. First, I want to thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your City Councilman for Ward 1. I truly believe we are making progress at City Hall. I wanted to take a moment to fill you in on some of the projects I have been working on, and what I have planned for the future. I also have set up an email group and I would love to get you added so I can provide more regular updates (info at the end of the letter). In addition to the projects below, I am grateful for the opportunity to help residents with issues from garbage collection to problem neighbors. Never hesitate to contact me as I’m glad to help!

Transparency - Worked with City leadership to implement a new agenda policy where board and commission agendas are posted online. This allows the public to know what is being discussed at the meetings.

Hard labor sentencing option for low level offenders - For many low level offenders in our community the option for sentencing has traditionally been a fine. I am not too fond of this as many are right back in our neighborhoods with no change of character or conduct. One of my first items was to pass a resolution to participate in the OK Shine program. This has existed for several years, and our involvement had expired. The program takes low level offenders and puts them to work on public improvement projects (often clearing ditches, debris, etc). I believe for some offender’s work and sweat is a more suitable deterrent than simply paying a fine.  We have had several projects and I look forward to more in the future.

Fence Ordinance - Several residents complained about issues with vandalism of their properties. Their homes were next to a heavily populated apartment complex and they were having trespassing issues. We passed an ordinance requiring a fence between these types of properties. This is an example of how working together we can implement solutions for problem areas, no matter how small they may seem.

Economic DevelopmentEconomic development is a top priority. We are working on several projects to improve the quality of life in Midwest City as well as create high quality jobs. We have recently announced a major sporting goods store is coming to MWC, along with several other great retailers. I am a big believer that we have to work diligently to bring  job centers in addition to retail outlets. I have added that to our strategic plan, and we have several concepts in the works. Additionally, I pushed to have a dedicated economic development group that is consistently working towards improvements in this area. The initial plan was to only include government officials. I was pleased that we were able to change that and include representatives from the business community. I feel like a good cross section of the community is a better approach and am pleased with the structure we implemented.

Taskforce on Crime, Punishment, and Rehabilitation- The Council formed this taskforce and I was honored to be trusted to lead it. We brought together citizens from different political perspectives and their differences brought out a wide array of positive recommendations.  We have and will continue to work on the recommendations.

A few of the recommendations were:
  Inmate Resource Packet-A group of committee members organized a packet of helpful groups that would steer the released inmates towards healthy and productive futures. We contacted a number of churches and non-profits and listed services that would be available. This is made available to all inmates, and the groups that are included in the packet all volunteered to be on the list as a resource. It’s a great tool for the men and women who want to improve their lives.

Establish partnerships for Domestic Violence- Shortly after the recommendations we signed an agreement with the YWCA to work with their SANE domestic violence group. We have representatives from our PD attend and work to implement best practices regarding domestic violence.
 Establish a more thorough process for repeated nuisance violations - More on this below.

The full list of recommendations is available at danielmcclure.org

Restore MWC- Neighborhood services runs a fantastic program called Restore MWC.  They match up those in need with screened volunteers. I am happy to report that I we were able to facilitate several volunteer days to assist needy families in our community.  This included painting, debris removal, landscaping, etc.  Those homes look great and I am thankful to everyone who volunteered.  If you or your groups are interested in assisting those in need let me know. This program provides all the tools and supplies necessary, as well as the individuals and families that need assistance…All we need is you or your group!

Square Mile Redevelopment- There is a plan in the works (at no cost to the city) that will allow for the filling of vacant city lots with quality homes. Currently, the city has to pay the cost to mow and maintain those properties. Given the choice I would much rather re-purpose the properties and see a family build a home there.  This will of course add quality housing stock to the neighborhood, decrease maintenance costs, and fill vacant lots. Additionally, I was recently nominated to Chair the Original Mile Redevelopment Committee.  It consists of a group of residents from the area, as well as City leaders, to provide feedback and ideas on issues and objectives for improving the mile. If you have ideas or concerns please let me know.  Both of these projects are relatively recent and I am hoping to see results over the coming year. Also, you may have noticed the “OM” Original Mile markers throughout the neighborhood.  These were funded with a grant and add unique character to the area. 

What’s Next

I have been working on how to implement two larger goals (a nuisance ordinance and a dilapidated property ordinance). The reason these are important to me is that it has been brought up time and again that people move out of MWC due to a few bad neighbors…this is unacceptable. We can’t lose good people due to bad ones.

Nuisance Ordinance - Hold property owners responsible for repeated nuisances. We have multiple properties with repeated violations. This drains our resources and prevents officers from patrolling our neighborhoods. I am working on an increasing punishment scale that will encourage violators to be better neighbors. This has been in the works for over a year and it is scheduled to be heard on the Jan 26th Council Agenda.

Dilapidated Property OrdinanceCurrently, when code enforcement works a property and the owner racks up fines and fees, a lein is placed on the property. For many “slum lords” this is no problem as they plan to continue to rent it out and never sell it. This often times provides a revolving door of bad neighbors and decreasing property values. There is an ordinance in the works that will deter this from happening and force landowners to be responsible for their properties.  This one will be a tough obstacle and I am hoping to make progress on it this year.

This is just a high level overview of recent activity on the Council. If you would like more details or specifics just let me know I am happy to provide them.  Also, if you have ANY issue I am happy to help. My email is danielmcclurejr@gmail.com and my cell phone is 405-919-5730. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.   I have also set up an email update system to provide you details on some of the policies I have been working on.  Feel free to shoot me an email and I will add you to the list or sign up at www.DanielMcclure.org.

In Service,
Daniel McClure
Councilman Ward 1