I made this blog after requests from residents for me to relay information about the issues at the Council meetings. If you have questions or concerns call my cell anytime 405-919-5730, and sign up for email updates on the right side of the page.

About me: My name is Daniel McClure and I am proud to be the Councilman for Midwest City, Ward 1. I am committed to serving the residents and the appreciate the opportunity to impact policy that will improve the quality of life of citizens and make Midwest City a place for our children to be proud of.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Economic Development discussion at the 1/27/15 Council Meeting

At the last Council meeting we discussed plans to develop an economic development advisory board.  This was tabled from our last meeting as there were several different approaches we had to work out.  When we initially discussed the idea I made a comment that I'll summarize here.  When I drive through town I see a growing number of empty store fronts.  I see these as opportunities for us to bring jobs to MWC.  On the flip side of the coin I hear many stories about concerns over the future of several areas in our community.  We have made great strides on our 29th street development, but we have to do more to develop the other areas of the City.  We have a new economic development director and he is doing wonderful work and I am enjoying working with him.  After deliberation, we developed a good compromise on the advisory committee and we will soon be building that team.  It will be made up of Municipal Officials, Chamber of Commerce Members, and local business owners.  I pushed to add the local business owners to the group to add new perspective and ideas to our economic development conversations, and I am thankful for the Council in adopting the idea.  I believe that business owners know business best and am glad to have the opportunity to have more input on the issue. I look forward to seeing the group help us to make progress in this area.

We have room for improvement, especially in the quality job creation area and finding ways to develop the area surrounding the dilapidated Heritage Park Mall.

PS I will will follow up on this post again in the future, I am never short on words about Economic Development.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas!


Daniel McClure