I made this blog after requests from residents for me to relay information about the issues at the Council meetings. If you have questions or concerns call my cell anytime 405-919-5730, and sign up for email updates on the right side of the page.

About me: My name is Daniel McClure and I am proud to be the Councilman for Midwest City, Ward 1. I am committed to serving the residents and the appreciate the opportunity to impact policy that will improve the quality of life of citizens and make Midwest City a place for our children to be proud of.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Developers needed - Seeding the neighborhood

The City of MWC owns about 7 vacant lots in the Original Square Mile. This means the taxpayers are responsible for funding the mowing and maintenance of these properties. Additionally, they are not adding to the quality of the neighborhood. I am very pleased that working through our Original Mile Redevelopment Committee we are moving forward to work with developers to build quality homes on these lots in hopes that they will serve as seeds for additional development in the neighborhood. We have published a request for proposal for developers to partner with the City on this project.  This model has been used successfully in places across the country - including the Paseo - where individual investment working with local governments spur neighborhood revitalization.  It is one step towards our goal. Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested.

Click HERE to see the request for proposal