I made this blog after requests from residents for me to relay information about the issues at the Council meetings. If you have questions or concerns call my cell anytime 405-919-5730, and sign up for email updates on the right side of the page.

About me: My name is Daniel McClure and I am proud to be the Councilman for Midwest City, Ward 1. I am committed to serving the residents and the appreciate the opportunity to impact policy that will improve the quality of life of citizens and make Midwest City a place for our children to be proud of.

Monday, February 9, 2015

One dog, two dogs...

Only in municipal government, I have been saying recently, can you transition from huge infrastructure projects to dogs in heat... but that is a conversation happening at the Council meeting this week.

The items on the agenda include some of the following changes...

1. Proposed is changing from 4 dogs to 5 dogs max for MWC residents

2. A change that would require a dog in heat to be  confined in a solid-floored building or structure so that the scent from the dog in heat is not transmitted outside the building or structure

3. Increase in the license fee to keep a dog or cat to increase from $4 to $10 for each un-sterilized animal and from $2 to $5 for each sterilized animal.

There have been great point's made on all of these items.  I am concerned about increasing the number of dogs allowed on a city lot thus far.  One comment that has been made to me is that there is far less concern from 5 small mini poodles, for example, than compared to 4 St. Barnards.    I am still concerned.

As far as licensing your dog goes, I honestly didn't know it was an Ordinance in the first place.  I have done a lot of research on this one and have to say we have some of the most passionate and dedicated animal welfare professionals around!  This whole concept is in an effort to reunite lost pets with their owners. 

I am completely in support of the goals behind these changes, but am still cautious on HOW we do these things. So in summary I will be doing lots of research to make up my mind before the meeting. I would love to hear your feedback before tomorrow night's meeting.


Daniel McClure

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