I made this blog after requests from residents for me to relay information about the issues at the Council meetings. If you have questions or concerns call my cell anytime 405-919-5730, and sign up for email updates on the right side of the page.

About me: My name is Daniel McClure and I am proud to be the Councilman for Midwest City, Ward 1. I am committed to serving the residents and the appreciate the opportunity to impact policy that will improve the quality of life of citizens and make Midwest City a place for our children to be proud of.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Contaminated Water - My Concerns

At the 4/28.15 council meeting we are heard a presentation about Normans intention of dumping treated wastewater from their sewage plant into lake thunderbird. (Where MWC, Norman, and Del City get their drinking water).  I'm very concerned and will be opposing this idea.  Understanding that the water has been treated and cleaned, there are still concerns over emerging contaminates.  After we hear the presentation we will have the opportunity to hear a resolution that we can vote on condemning the action.  

Here is a line from the resolution to give you an idea why I am concerned... "there is credible evidence supporting concerns over emerging contaminates of concern, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, herbicides and endocrine disruptive compounds and their effect on the eco-systems in lakes and reservoirs as well as on the human population served by the public water supplies that pull their raw water from indirect potable reuse lakes"

Our Environmental Services Director, Bill Janacek, has done an incredible job researching the issue and raising concerns over Norman's intentions.

If you feel opposed to this idea I thought I would share a few options for you...

Email Central OK Master Conservancy District at admin@comcd.net

Call COMCD at at 405-329-5228

If you are not already subscribed to updates from me click HERE and sign up.

Here is a link to fish growing both sexual organs when similar chemicals were found in Minnesota lakes http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=2630#.VT-X4CFVhBd 

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