I made this blog after requests from residents for me to relay information about the issues at the Council meetings. If you have questions or concerns call my cell anytime 405-919-5730, and sign up for email updates on the right side of the page.

About me: My name is Daniel McClure and I am proud to be the Councilman for Midwest City, Ward 1. I am committed to serving the residents and the appreciate the opportunity to impact policy that will improve the quality of life of citizens and make Midwest City a place for our children to be proud of.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Original Mile Reinvestment Committee and recent ordinance changes

Happy Fall,

I know there has been so much discussion about the recent fire department issues that little else has been discussed.  I wanted to take a moment to catch you up on a few things I have been working on during this time.  At the last meeting, we approved the Original Mile Reinvestment Committee.  This is a group made up of four residents of the original square mile, myself, the Mayor and councilman Rick Dawkins. I am really appreciate for the members from the community who have agreed to serve on this committee.  They are Rella Johnson, Val Howell, Sarah Lingelfelter, and Teresa Mortimer.

The goals for the group are below. I am hopeful it will provide some beneficial ideas (followed up w action on those ideas) for improving the community. 

Goals for the committee
· Prepare and advertise requests for proposals for the design of a special urban park located at Mid-America Boulevard and Lockheed Drive in the clock tower area, north of the Town Center Shopping Center.
· Develop infill housing on city owned lots. The plan calls for demonstration housing utilizing the suggested features with modern features that will blend with existing housing.
· Acquire appropriate properties to support goals of revitalization plan (in order to support demonstration housing, expand park space, etc.)
· Create design guidelines for infill and redevelopment in order to support plan concepts
· Determine appropriate infrastructure investments to support development and redevelopment 

Another issue I have been working on arose from issues from an apartment complex and a  residential neighborhood.  The City did not have an ordinance on the books requiring a fence between a heavily populated apartment complex and a residential area.  We recently had some issue with people loitering, trespassing, and creating other issues as a result.  We passed this new ordinance and going forward all apartments will be required to have a 6 foot sight proof fence where they abutting residential neighborhoods.  It seems like a small issue, but I think it will go a long way for those residents that have to deal with the issue.

As usual, if there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to call.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Food Trucks...Finally.

Well it's been an interesting road but last night we approved a food truck ordinance at Council.  There was a lot of discussion over the past few weeks.  The major points at issue were...

1. Locations allowed
2. Frequency
3. Permitting and Licensing

I was an advocate for having one license to do business in MWC on any commercial property with the landowners consent.  The goal here was to make sure we have safe and reliable vendors, but make sure that the barriers to entry are manageable.  If it needs to be tweaked in the future we can do that, but I wanted to start from that point and move forward.  We agreed to a $250 license (similar to other cities).  Food trucks will need to have the proper health licenses, and OSBI background checks, and keep records up to date.

This will hopefully be an opportunity for people to come out in a sense of community.  I am really excited to see what comes our way.  Thanks to everyone who came out to meetings and contacted me about this issue.


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Food truck ordinance decision pushed to next meeting

Hello All,

Just wanted to get an update out about the food truck ordinance that was proposed last week.  The one proposed by the City, in my opinion, was too burdensome on business owners that wanted to have food trucks out to their businesses as well as those food truck owners who want to come to MWC. I proposed an alternate version that would more closely mimic the ordinance in OKC.  As you may know, OKC has had wonderful results with food trucks.  They create a sense of community by building an atmosphere where people can come together as well as attracting people from outside their city into the city to eat and shop at local businesses.  The Council unfortunately voted to not take action on the proposal, but we will hear it again at the next meeting.  I have had numerous conversations with food trucks and traditional business owners, as well as City Staff (They do a great job), I am hoping to have an ordinance that everyone can agree on at the next meeting.  I think food trucks will be a win-win for everyone, and am optimistic it will come to fruition next meeting.  The meeting will be July 14th at 7pm at the City Council Chambers at Reno and Midwest Blvd, feel free to come out to see what happens or speak to the Council about your ideas/thoughts.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Brief Update on Water Issue

Good Afternoon,

We met last night at Council and heard the presentation regarding the Central Oklahoma Master Conservancy District (COMCD).  I was very pleased that the Council voted 7-0 in favor of the resolution against the releasing of treated waste water into Thunderbird Lake.  HOWEVER, 2 of the 3 MWC Board members to COMCD said they would not commit to voting with the Council at the board meeting. This was extremely disappointing.  I would never say that we should force our board members to vote one way or the other, however in a situation such as this when it is unanimous that the idea is not good for MWC I would hope to hear a compelling argument from our board members as to why they would vote against the will of the Council.

What you can do?

If you would like to email COMCD be sure to ask that your email be passed along to the MWC Board members so they know how you feel about the issue.
COMCD Email is: admin@comcd.net , feel free to CC me on the email at daniel@danielmcclure.org
When I get more details I will let you all know.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Contaminated Water - My Concerns

At the 4/28.15 council meeting we are heard a presentation about Normans intention of dumping treated wastewater from their sewage plant into lake thunderbird. (Where MWC, Norman, and Del City get their drinking water).  I'm very concerned and will be opposing this idea.  Understanding that the water has been treated and cleaned, there are still concerns over emerging contaminates.  After we hear the presentation we will have the opportunity to hear a resolution that we can vote on condemning the action.  

Here is a line from the resolution to give you an idea why I am concerned... "there is credible evidence supporting concerns over emerging contaminates of concern, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, herbicides and endocrine disruptive compounds and their effect on the eco-systems in lakes and reservoirs as well as on the human population served by the public water supplies that pull their raw water from indirect potable reuse lakes"

Our Environmental Services Director, Bill Janacek, has done an incredible job researching the issue and raising concerns over Norman's intentions.

If you feel opposed to this idea I thought I would share a few options for you...

Email Central OK Master Conservancy District at admin@comcd.net

Call COMCD at at 405-329-5228

If you are not already subscribed to updates from me click HERE and sign up.

Here is a link to fish growing both sexual organs when similar chemicals were found in Minnesota lakes http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=2630#.VT-X4CFVhBd 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sooner Rd Improvements & Criminal Restitution

Sooner Rd.
I have heard from many resident in the community their desire for resurfacing of Sooner Road...Well it's  coming! This week the Council approved a cooperative plan that will bring much needed improvements in the form of a 1.9 million dollar project to improve the surface of Sooner Road from Reno to SE 29th street, as well as sidewalk expansions.  The project will be a collaboration with the Federal, State and Local governments.  This stretch of road is rather interesting as Midwest City is responsible for maintaining the east side of the street and Del City is responsible for the west side of the street.  I am glad that through the collaboration with Del City we will see much needed improvements to the area.  The specifics from the Council agenda are at the bottom of this post.

We had an interesting debate this week at the Council meeting.  It centers on the idea that if someone is convicted of illegal dumping that they should be required to to remedy the situation.  This could include paying the landowner for damages, cleanup, or physically cleaning up the mess themselves.  The council approved a plan that will allow this type of restitution at the discretion of the Judge.  While I am happy with the plan, I disagreed on making it optional.  I felt that an offender should ALWAYS be responsible for their actions.  State law has similar language but requires judges to have offenders provide restitution (not optional).  I look forward to seeing how this plays out in the future.

Sooner Road Project Details from Council Agenda:
The federal funds are needed in connection with the proposed roto-mill and overlay of Sooner Road, from Reno Avenue to S.E. 29th Street. The proposed project includes sidewalk expansion as well. The preliminary estimate for the total project cost is $1,940,655. This project will be funded by 80% federal funds, 20% local match. Midwest City and Del City are splitting the local match provision. Midwest City and Del City will be required to contribute $194,065.50 each to ODOT to cover construction costs as required with the 20% local match provision. Del City has submitted their payment for their portion of the project.”

Monday, February 9, 2015

One dog, two dogs...

Only in municipal government, I have been saying recently, can you transition from huge infrastructure projects to dogs in heat... but that is a conversation happening at the Council meeting this week.

The items on the agenda include some of the following changes...

1. Proposed is changing from 4 dogs to 5 dogs max for MWC residents

2. A change that would require a dog in heat to be  confined in a solid-floored building or structure so that the scent from the dog in heat is not transmitted outside the building or structure

3. Increase in the license fee to keep a dog or cat to increase from $4 to $10 for each un-sterilized animal and from $2 to $5 for each sterilized animal.

There have been great point's made on all of these items.  I am concerned about increasing the number of dogs allowed on a city lot thus far.  One comment that has been made to me is that there is far less concern from 5 small mini poodles, for example, than compared to 4 St. Barnards.    I am still concerned.

As far as licensing your dog goes, I honestly didn't know it was an Ordinance in the first place.  I have done a lot of research on this one and have to say we have some of the most passionate and dedicated animal welfare professionals around!  This whole concept is in an effort to reunite lost pets with their owners. 

I am completely in support of the goals behind these changes, but am still cautious on HOW we do these things. So in summary I will be doing lots of research to make up my mind before the meeting. I would love to hear your feedback before tomorrow night's meeting.


Daniel McClure

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Economic Development discussion at the 1/27/15 Council Meeting

At the last Council meeting we discussed plans to develop an economic development advisory board.  This was tabled from our last meeting as there were several different approaches we had to work out.  When we initially discussed the idea I made a comment that I'll summarize here.  When I drive through town I see a growing number of empty store fronts.  I see these as opportunities for us to bring jobs to MWC.  On the flip side of the coin I hear many stories about concerns over the future of several areas in our community.  We have made great strides on our 29th street development, but we have to do more to develop the other areas of the City.  We have a new economic development director and he is doing wonderful work and I am enjoying working with him.  After deliberation, we developed a good compromise on the advisory committee and we will soon be building that team.  It will be made up of Municipal Officials, Chamber of Commerce Members, and local business owners.  I pushed to add the local business owners to the group to add new perspective and ideas to our economic development conversations, and I am thankful for the Council in adopting the idea.  I believe that business owners know business best and am glad to have the opportunity to have more input on the issue. I look forward to seeing the group help us to make progress in this area.

We have room for improvement, especially in the quality job creation area and finding ways to develop the area surrounding the dilapidated Heritage Park Mall.

PS I will will follow up on this post again in the future, I am never short on words about Economic Development.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas!


Daniel McClure